Not Receiving Password Reset Email
I am not receiving or am unable to locate the password reset email.
This may be caused by one or more of the following:
  • Email provider is blocking the email
  • Email may be located under the spam/junk mail folder
  • Email may be going to another email address
To resolve this issue, perform one or more of the following:
  • Verify the email did not get moved to your spam folder
  • Verify the email is not being blocked
  • Wait up to 30 minutes
  • On the Success Email was Sent screen, verify the email address you are checking is listed, if it isn't contact technical support.
  • Student has no UserID on account.
  • Check the Social and Promotions tabs at the top in addition to Primary.
Note: The email address may display as the first part of your email before the @ symbol and the domain (i.e.

Note: The email will be coming from the sender University of Phoenix and will have the subject Reset your password

To allow emails in some common email providers, perform one or more of the following:

Google Gmail

  1. Log into
  2. Click Spam to open this folder
  3. Check the box next to the message from
  4. Click Not Spam at the top

Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail

  1. Log into
  2. Click the Junk folder
  3. Check the box next to the message from
  4. Click the Not Junk button
Yahoo! Mail
  1. Log into
  2. Click the Contacts tab
  3. Click New Contact
  4. Enter in the Email field
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Done
To update your blocked senders list in some common email providers, perform one or more of the following:


Google Gmail

  1. Log into
  2. Click the Cog drop-down menu displayed under the email address
  3. Select Settings
  4. Click Filters
  5. Click Delete to the right of any filters displaying the address
  6. Navigate back to the Confirmation section of the Forgot Password process on the eCampus site
  7. Select Option 2 under the Did not receive password reset email? section
  8. Click Continue
Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail
  1. Log into
  2. Click the Options menu on the right
  3. Select More Options... from the list
  4. Click the Safe and blocked senders link
  5. Click the Safe senders link
  6. Enter in the box
  7. Click the Add to list button
  8. Navigate back to the Confirmation section of the Forgot Password process on the eCampus site
  9. Select Option 2 under the Did not receive password reset email? section
  10. Click Continue
Yahoo! Mail
  1. Log into
  2. Click the Options tab
  3. Click Blocked Addresses under Advanced Options
  4. Search for in the Blocked Addresses field
  5. Click on the address to highlight it
  6. Click the trashcan icon to remove the address from the list
  7. Navigate back to the Confirmation section of the Forgot Password process on the eCampus site
  8. Select Option 2 under the Did not receive password reset email? section
  9. Click Continue
Note: We have experienced issues with some Yahoo! Mail accounts where the password reset email was never delivered and the email address is not on the blocked senders list.
Additional Information:
For addtional information on Password Reset, please see the Related Articles section to the right.
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