Riverpoint Writer

Why am I unable to find Riverpoint Writer on the website?
UOPX courses starting on or after July 1st, 2020 will use 7th Edition for all APA-required writing assignments

Riverpoint Writer cannot be updated to align with the 7th Edition, so it is being removed from the Website.  If you  already have it installed you will not want to use it as it is geared for the APA 6th edition.  Follow the steps below to remove Rivepoint Writer from your computer:
  1. Right-click the Windows logo on the bottom left
  2. Click Apps and Features at the top of the list
  3. Right- click on Riverpoint Writer
  4. Click Uninstall
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts
  • If you need help removing it you can contact Technical support.
  • If you use Riverpoint Writer for other writings, you might not want to uninstalled, as you will not be able to reinstall it once you remove it from your computer

If you need help with creating an APA paper. You can go to the library and follow these steps:
  1. Click on APA information under the quick links on the right
  2. Select APA Templates under the APA Information section
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