National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

What Is The National Society of Leadership and Success?
The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is a national leadership honor society and collegiate leadership development program, and the only program of it’s kind to have earned accreditation for its programming. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential.

NSLS differentiates itself from traditional honor societies in that students must complete a step-by-step leadership development program in order to become inducted. The curriculum offers students the opportunity to develop many in-demand skills such as leadership, communication, and team building. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume. They will also have the opportunity to complete additional educational modules in order to earn credit for their work with NSLS. 
  1. Orientation: This is the first step of the program for new members to learn the steps of the program and the expectations for the rest of the program.
  2. Leadership Training Day: Members complete an interactive video training session where they identify goals and overcome obstacles.
  3. Three Speaker Broadcast Events: Live streamed events with leaders, celebrities and best-selling authors are scheduled six times per year and available on-demand.
  4. Three Success Networking Team Meetings: Members are assigned to small peer groups and meet bi-weekly to set goals and hold each other accountable.
  5. Induction: Members receive their Foundations of Leadership Certificate honoring their achievement and lifetime membership into NSLS.  

What are the Benefits of joining?

Membership provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive on-campus events, employer recruitment through an online job bank, and discounts on computers, textbooks, grad school prep courses, insurance and much more:

  • Scholarships & Awards: NSLS members have access to over a quarter-million dollars in exclusive scholarships and awards.
  • Job Bank: Members can apply to jobs/internships and have access to employers seeking to hire NSLS members.
  • Partner Discounts & Benefits: Discounts on many retail goods and services.
  • Custom Recommendations: Members receive personalized letters for graduate admissions officers and employers.
  • Professional Communication Training: A professionally administered communication assessment tool (DISC) helps to identify communication style, recognize and appreciate other styles, and prepares how to interact effectively with others.
  • Nationwide Network: Members will join over a million members at over 650 colleges in a network of support and motivation.

For additional information, review this handy one-page flier

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