National Healthcareers Association Exam Preparation Materials

 Are there any discounts on National Healthcareers Association (NHA) preparation materials for University of Phoenix alumni? 
The relationship between University of Phoenix and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) allows us to integrate study materials into some of the courses in the certificate program, which saves our students money and helps them prepare for a national certification exam.

Current students of the CERT/MR, CERT/HWAF, or CERT/EHRF programs have access to the NHA materials in their classes and no longer need a promo code or have to pay NHA for access. Alumni of the certificate programs retain access to their materials in previously completed courses via the student portal, eliminating the need for students to purchase test prep materials on their own. 

NHA Discount:
NHA has provided an instruction sheet with UOPX Staff which be shared with alumni to explain how they can take advantage of the $15 discount, as well as register for an exam and ensure results are reported back to the university.

Each of the lower division certificate programs are aligned to a specific NHA exam: 
  • The Medical Records (MR) program is aligned with the NHA Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) exam
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