Delete Microsoft Office Excel Cells, Rows, or Columns

How do I delete cells, rows, or columns in an Office Excel Spreadsheet?
To delete cells, rows, or columns, please follow the steps below:
  1. Open the desired Excel file
  2. Select one of the following you want to delete:
    • Cell(s)
    • Row(s)
    • Column(s)
    Note: To cancel a selection of cells, click any cell on the worksheet. Please navigate to the Microsoft Support page for more information about making selections.
  3. Click the arrow below Delete on the Home tab, in the Cells group
  4. Select one of the following:
    • Delete Cells... to remove selected cells
    • Delete Sheet Rows to remove selected rows
    • Delete Sheet Columns to remove selected columns
    • Delete Sheet to remove the entire worksheet
    Note: You may also perform the following:
    1. Right-click a selection of cells, rows, or columns
    2. Click Delete
  5. Click one of the following in the Delete dialog box, if prompted:
    • Shift cells left
    • Shift cells up
    • Entire row
    • Entire column
    Note: If you are deleting rows or columns, other rows or columns automatically shift up or to the left.
  • Pressing the Delete key deletes the contents of the selected cell(s) only, not the cell(s) themselves
  • Select the next set of cells, rows, or columns and then press Ctrl+Y on your keyboard to repeat deleting
  • Click Undo Delete in the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl+Z on your keyboard to restore deleted data immediately after it has been removed
  • Excel keeps formulas up to date by adjusting references to the shifted cells to reflect their new locations. However, a formula that refers to a deleted cell displays the #REF! error value.
Additional Information:
For additional information on deleting in Excel, please see the Related Links section to the right.
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