Creating a PowerPoint Presentation - Basic tasks in PowerPoint
How do I perform some basic tasks in Microsoft Office PowerPoint?
To perform the most common basic tasks on most versions of PowerPoint, perform one or more of the following:
Create a presentation
Open a presentation
Note: By default, PowerPoint 2010 shows only PowerPoint presentations in the Open dialog box. To view other kinds of files, click All PowerPoint Presentations, and select the type of file that you want to view. Other versions of office may have option to select recent locations, Places or option to add Places, or browse To find a template
Note: You can also search for templates on from within PowerPoint. In the Search for templates box, type one or more search terms, and then click the arrow button to search. For more information about how to find and apply templates, see Apply a template to your presentation. Save a presentation
Note: By default, newer versions of PowerPoint saves files in the PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx) file format. To save your presentation in a format other than .pptx, click the Save as type list, and then select the file format that you want. For more information about how to create a new presentation, see Name and save your presentation. Insert a new slide To insert a new slide into your presentation, do the following:
For more information about how to add slides to your presentation, see Add, rearrange, and delete slides. Add shapes to the slide
Note: To create a perfect square or circle (or constrain the dimensions of other shapes), press and hold SHIFT while you drag. For more information about how to add shapes, see Add, change, or delete shapes. View a slide show To view your presentation in Slide Show view from the first slide, do the following:
To view your presentation in Slide Show view from the current slide, do the following:
For more information about how to view a slide show, see Choose the right view for the task in PowerPoint Print a presentation
Note: Use commas to separate the numbers, with no spaces. For example: 1, 3, 5-12.
Additional Information:
For additional information on Microsoft Office Tutorials, please see the Related Articles section to the right.
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