Apply APA Formatting to an Existing Paper

How do I apply APA Formatting to an existing paper, in Microsoft Office Word?
APA formatting can be applied in Microsoft Office Word by performing one of the following:
Using Title Page Template
  1. Open the Title Page Template from Tutorials and Guides in the Center for Writing Excellence
  2. Click File
  3. Click Save as
  4. Save document with new file name, in folder of your choice (Documents folder is recommended)
  5. Modify title page with correct information
  6. On page two, highlight existing body text that is to be replaced
  7. Open the document with the text to copy
  8. Copy the text to be formatted
  9. Switch to the new document
  10. Right click at the beginning of page two where the text should start
  11. Select the clipboard icon with the letter A under Paste Options as seen below
Note: This should paste the text without copying the formatting from the original document.
Additional Information:
For additional information on APA formating and Microsoft Office Tutorials, please see the Related Articles section to the right.
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